• 261 reviews
Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper
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Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper
Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper
Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper
Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper
Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper

Unleashing the Power of Simplescraper: A Top Chrome Extension for Web Scraping

Web scraping can be a daunting task , especially for individuals with limited coding knowledge. But thanks to Simplescraper, a Chrome extension that enables easy and efficient web scraping, data gathering has become more accessible to everyone. It has earned an impressive aggregate rating of 4.5 out of 5, making it one of the best web scraping tools available today.

A Look at Simplescraper's Outstanding Features

Simplescraper takes web scraping to the next level with its user-friendly interface and functionality. It offers a point-and-click feature that allows users to easily select the data they need. Table columns, URLs from links and images can be smartly captured. The scraped data can be downloaded in CSV or JSON format or directly into Google Sheets, Airtable, Zapier, and Integromat. What's even more exciting is that it can run locally in your browser , making web scraping more convenient and cost-effective.

Why Users Love Simplescraper

Based on user reviews, Simplescraper is highly regarded for its simplicity, intuitiveness, and efficiency. Some users have described it as a game-changer in web scraping, commending its top-notch performance and easy-to-navigate interface. In particular, the ability to save scraping jobs and re-run them without having to re-select the data has been praised as a time-saving feature.

However, some users have noted that the tool is advertised as free, but once the initial credits are used up, a subscription is required to continue using the tool. This is something to keep in mind when considering this Chrome extension for your web scraping needs.

Stellar Rating Explained

With its impressive array of features and positive user feedback, it's easy to see why Simplescraper has earned such a high rating. Its user-friendly design, coupled with its powerful web scraping capabilities, makes it a strong contender in the web scraping software market. Despite the concerns regarding pricing, the overall value that this Chrome extension brings to the table is undeniably substantial.

Give Simplescraper a Try

If you're on a quest to find the best data scraping tools , don't overlook Simplescraper. While it may not be entirely free, its range of functionalities and ease of use make it worth considering. Whether you're new to web scraping or an experienced pro, Simplescraper can transform your web scraping experience.

Get started on your web scraping journey with Simplescraper today and unlock the full potential of web data scraping !

Simplescraper is user-friendly with no code required.

Offers one-click scraping into various platforms.

Provides unlimited free local scraping.

Allows saving of scrape jobs for future use.

Has a new bulk editor feature for efficient editing.

Dependent on stable internet connection.

May require learning curve for non-tech savvy users.

Limited free cloud scraping credits.

Bulk scraping may slow down the system.

Some features are limited to cloud scraping.

261 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Craig Ivan Garidan


Liam Kettle

after getting used to the software this along zapier webhooks has just saved me hours worth of admin each week! next step is to use the API function in my software being built soon!


Often cannot select fields even though the row right next to it can be selected just fine and when the data is printed out, there's weird symbols in it that don't match with what's on the website

Evgeny Levchenya

Works nicely. A JSON download is very useful

Steve Wolfe

Simple enough idea, but the implementation is top notch. Well done to the dev team of this extension and web ui / service. Checking it out for now but if I continue to like what I see then I'll definitely be subscribing.

Klaus Nirman

Absolutely nothing works.

kedar bramhe

Best extension out there. Tried at least 10 extensions before this but either they were too complicated or just not functional. Within 5 min of downloading this, my tasks were done. Will definitely recommend this to others.


i have been looking for this exact web scraper functionality for awhile now and i have tested at least 10 other extensions none of which were what i needed nor were any of them accurately describing their app in the chrome store, this extension had a listing that actually held true and that is rare in this day and age, plus it's super easy to use and works exactly as i needed so thanks to the devs that built this and the UI folks too :)

Laurentiu Stefan

It saved much time, and helped me a lot. Great extension guys!

Katie Claessens

It looks like an awesome free option. I had it scrape from a directory where a business name was listed on the top line, then the contact at that business, then the contact's title, then the street address, then the city, state and zip, then the phone number. Each business was listed in a box of its own, one record after the other, on a VERY long scrolling page. Unfortunately, the only things it could recognize separately was the business name at the top line and the line with the city, state and zip on it. I ended up just having it select each business's whole block of data and downloading that as one record in each cell in a CSV file and then used Excel's "Text To Columns" tool to separate the data. Fortunately, the data came with a backslash in between each of the lines of data so that made it easier. I tried the method their video shows you how to do where, if it's not accurate selecting the right set of data, you can change the coding in the top left corner but, I could not figure out which part of the code to delete. Too complicated. But, at least I was able to get my data off the site.

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